Friday, November 30, 2012

Vintage Ornament Love!

 Hello + Hello! between work days & time spent making
function as a Christmas Winter Wonderland....
I've been decorating my home for the holidays!
We have our tree in the house,
I've donned it with 1200 twinkling lights,
am feverishly working on getting these sweet little ornaments
up on each and every branch!
 I'm keeping it simple this year
going with ONLY vintage ornaments on the tree!
I've never had enough to decorate an 8' tree before....
but I've been collecting all year to insure the fact that I will most certainly have
 There are only a couple of ornaments in my collection that are new-ish.
Most of the ornaments are 40-70 years old and a couple that are older than that!
I have been collecting vintage ornaments for about 15 years or so;
I've never paid more than $3.50 for one...but that is the extreeeeeme.
Most of the boxes of ornaments were either gifted to me by my sister, my mother or friends.
I've also enjoyed finding many of them at junk shops for just a few dollars for a whole box!
I'm sort of addicted.
Why would I collect tons of vintage ornaments when I have all the best the season has to offer
 at my shop?
I guess it's because I know I won't see or find this collection of ornaments
anywhere else.
Vintage ornaments are getting more and more difficult to find!
I LOVE the different "looks" that we sell at our shop...and because I'm the main buyer,
I get to have the thrill of purchasing all those items at market.
I get to enjoy them all day at work, and I love them!
it's nice for me to come home and look at something I haven't been looking at all day at work.
I'm sure you can imagine.
There is one other fairly obvious reason why I love the vintage look....
it fits the style of my home:
My 1913 Craftsman Bungalow begs for vintage!
I'm here to tell's pretty awesome to have this cozy cottage filled with
my happy Christmas Decor.
how about you?
Are you enjoying your decorating yet?
What is your "look"?
Vintage, mod, woodsy, red and white, kids' ornaments?
I'd love to hear about it!
At the shop we've got so many looks it might make your head spin!
It's pretty difficult to decide on "styles" of Christmas decorations when we're at market in
January doing our buying for the next season ahead.
We love decorating for Christmas it's never a bad thing!!!
Happy Weekend my Friends!
I'll be back with more photos before long...


  1. I visited the store on Thursday and it is beautiful! I purchased a couple items and they're already hanging proudly in my window.

    1. Oh how nice Izzy! Thanks so much for your business & I'm so happy you enjoyed your time & your purchases!!

  2. The Christmas lights and bells are darling on the outside of your house. I love the vintage too and lovingly trim our tree with 600+ ornaments and lots of vintage tinsel. The tinsel goes on one at a time and is the relaxing part of decorating for me.
    Your house looks pretty for Christmas for the neighbor driving past... thank you!

    1. Well Miss Tami! Thank-you SO much for your sweet comment! As I'm sure you know...I could simply say nearly the exact same thing about your sweet stone cottage :) It's always so cozy looking & happy as a lark. I hope you enjoy your decorating & festivities this year, & a very Merry Christmas to you & Fred!

  3. I love seeing a glimpse of your Christmas decor int his post and the one that followed. I have collected vintage shiny brite ornaments for 20 years. I too love seeing all the new stuff that comes out every year...but it makes it easy for me not to be overwhelmed and want too much...because most of my stuff is old and I like it that way. Those ornaments really are getting harder and harder to find. I try not to pay over $3 each...but remember when I could get them for 50 cents each. I think if I decorated with new things I'd want to change it every year but because I have vintage...I just enjoy adding more vintage to it. You know I made myself a vintage ornament wreath a couple of years ago and painful that was to lose some from the tree for it. I am still trying to make up for it.


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