Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Blessed Working Mother

So, I wake up in my rumpled bed...sometimes to little faces asking if they can watch cartoons.
I start some coffee or tea and wonder about breakfast...
Something simple for me. Toast, egg, of these? Who knows what the cupboard might hold.
Help the munchkins with their breakfast....and the cartoons! :o)
Most of the time something healthier than this.....sadly....sometimes not.
Check the time...YIKES....better keep moving!
Jump in the shower....
....get ready, don't forget the vitamins!
Take time to "count" my blessings and ask the Lord to bless our day.
Check the email, do a bit of work. Make sure the boys are getting ready for either school or Grandma's house.
Grab my jacket choice of the day, make sure I've got lunches packed. Load the boys and I up into the Suburban ( Chad's been gone to work for 2 hours already!). Head on over to either school or Grandma's house and deliver the children with hugs and kisses.
An off to work I'll go. I never know what I might have to work on at Grandiflora....but it's a great job!

Well, I hope that gives you a little glimpse into a regular work day for me. I also have stay at home days with my boys which are a whole lot less organized....and a whole lot more messy!!! I wish I could tell you that my house is always that clean...but usually it looks like a whirlwind has hit!!! Some days I never want to get out of bed....and some days I just want to live somewhere else! But most days I'm thankful for all that I do have....I am very blessed. I hope you can find the blessings in your life that are often overlooked. As a matter of fact, make up your mind to be thankful today for all that you have; plaster a smile on your face. They say that if you will actually feel better! Hey, it's worth a try!!! Once you start looking at all that you have, and all that you need has been provided for....well, I think you will feel really good about life again.

The weekend is coming people. I hope you can enjoy time with your loved ones over pancakes....or watch a sunset with your spouse....or someone close to you. Life is often cut short, and you never know when or if you'll see someone again. I am off to a funeral for someone who's life was cut too short by cancer. He was a happy, vibrant, and super funny guy. A loving husband and father, only 44 years old, and he lived life to the fullest. He was kind to all he met, and uplifting to be around....even in his last days. SO, live your life ON PURPOSE.....with a stunning attitude....and if your life is cut short....folks will know you cared.

I am going to try and practice what I preach today, I pray that you might too.
Trish :)


  1. That was beautiful Trish!! Thank you for the reminder. I knew there was a reason I set up a blog with people who were positive and wanted to lift other humans up instead of ripping them down. And wouldn't you know the FIRST blog I read, its your and it all comes back...thank you.

  2. Thanks for the glimps Trish. Your home is as charming as you are. Have a great day.

  3. That bed is looking mighty comfy!! Cute kitchen!! I STILL have never really seen your house - it's time for a progressive GF girls party!!


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