Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday Night Fun = Saturday Lazaifaire

So, I came home late Friday Night from work and miraculously it was still fairly light out! I love daylight savings time!!! I had to snap a shot of my Flowering Mountain Currant...don't you just love Spring? My hubby pruned this little guy hard last fall, so I wasn't sure if we would see any blooms this Spring.  I was so excited to see it blooming...these blooms will last for weeks! Oh what a beautiful shade of Pink! Yay Spring! This is when ( among many other times ) I'm so thankful for my Yellow just look SO HAPPY against this color. Don't you think??? All the fresh greens in the background tend to look like lush shag carpet....what a mild winter we had, everything is so far ahead of itself around here.
Well, we had a good dinner, watched a movie ;) and had some dessert...I washed up the dishes (begrudgingly) and went to bed. When I got up this morning the Sun was shining in on my little dishes, and I had to take a quick cheerful don't you think??? Then I was off to Grandiflora to do a photo shoot before anyone was in for the morning. It was really fun to browse through the store without anyone to work the photos over and pick the best ones for blogging, advertising, and flickring....

Hope you are having a good weekend, what are you up to? I made 3 batches of jam, a blueberry coffee cake, did some laundry, and washed a TON of dishes! I love stay at home days....but I don't like all the dishes it creates! Oh well, it could be worse. I'll be back blogging soon....I have more fun photos to share....

Trish :o)


  1. Right now it's 10:40ish pm and I am mostly listening to your player while I am starting a journal page. It's been a quite day...while out getting my 3/4 inch masking tape at the Dollar Store I found that they had 2 inch blue masking tape so I am using that on my page, did food shopping, went to DQ for an icecream cone with hubby. Happy happies.

  2. Oooooh....DQ!!! Hmmmm....didn't get there, but if I did....hmmmmm....Peanut Buster Parfait??? or....Banana Split Blizzard???....hmmm....would probably not be able to justify either.... small chocolate dipped cone. Yes. Perfect. ;o) tee hee hee! Nice to hear what you're up to! Cheers!

  3. I love spring! Though the only branches with flowers is in my living room right now, I'm waiting impatiently for the outside to come up to speed. What beautiful pictures - can I ask if you used photoshop, and what tools/filters you used?:)

  4. Oh Sandra....I'm sorry to hear you are waiting on Spring. No worries, it will come! I'm forcing some apple blooms right now and hope to do a photo shoot of them soon. Speaking of photo shoots, I don't use photoshop. Mostly I utilize my cameras settings in custom, and then I touch them up in Picasa. Hope that helps. Thanks for all your nice comments!


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